Freitag, 8. Oktober 2021



„Sama Chance“ stands for a new chance and perspective for senegalese
people returning to their home country. It is a non-profit association founded
in early 2019 in Dakar by 10 volunteers based in Germany and Senegal.


It is twofold:

1. Sama Chance aims to facilitate the return of
senegalese migrants from around the globe
(both voluntary and deportees) and equip them
for a successful return, re‑integration and live in
their home country.

2. Furthermore the initiative focuses on educating
and informing senegalese people (in particular
students) about immigration its social,
economical and personal impact and enable
them to build a successful professional life in
their country.

Have a look on our FB Page:

Sama Chance Senegal



Montag, 3. Mai 2021


Liebe Leute, heute teile ich eine super Reportage, meine Freunde im Senegal (Baidy,Thiat, Yaya) haben auf meine Anfrage bei der Reportage mitgewirkt. Ich danke euch für all euer Vertrauen, schon in sovielen Momenten. Danke. Jerejef. Merci beaucoup
Danke an Andreas Schaap und Mickey Yamine für diese tolle Reportage.... Ich freue mich, dass es geklappt hat....
Bitte teilen !!!
Dear people, today I share a great docu, my friends in Senegal ( Baidy Ba, Yaya Diatta and Cyrille Touré Thiat) have participated in this on my request. Thank you for all your trust, already in so many moments. Thank you. Jerejef. Merci beaucoup
Thanks to Andreas Schaap and Mickey Yamine for this great report.... I'm glad it worked out....
Please share !!!!
Link : 

Donnerstag, 8. April 2021

 The Bavarian authorities state that procedures like these are completely legal | Photo: LfAR Bayern
Please take a moment and read/understand...
I got interviewed as well ....
Thanks also to my friends ( Adama) being alright with talking about this bad situation, inhuman politics allover Europe
Please share
For the world!!!!

Veuillez prendre un moment et lire / comprendre ...
J'ai aussi été interviewé ...
Merci aussi à mes amis (Adama) d'avoir bien voulu parler de cette mauvaise situation, de la politique inhumaine dans toute l'Europe
Partagez s'il vous plait
pour le monde!!!!

Sonntag, 28. März 2021

Sama Chance Mask Production for Students

🙏🏽🇸🇳💖Chers donateurs, nous souhaitons aujourd'hui remercier toutes les personnes formidables, amis et connaissances, qui nous ont soutenus dans cette action "Masques pour les enfants et les étudiants" au Sénégal. C'est une prévention tellement importante, grâce à vous, elle a été possible. Du fond du cœur, MERCI.🇸🇳💖🙏🏽
Dear donors, today we would like to thank all the great people out there, friends and acquaintances who have supported us in this action "Masks for the children and students" in Senegal. It is such an important prevention, through you it was possible. From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU



Dienstag, 3. November 2020


Today our requested self-sewn masks were finished. Djibson a friend and teacher of the school in Porokhane, has just picked up masks for his school at Seydou Falls store. Seydou has a fabric store in Dakar and is also a tailor. He was in Europe a few years ago and returned 3 years ago, with a lot of experience and some ideas to start his own business. Sama Chance is a customer of Seydou and today we finished our first job with him. There will follow some more orders for bigger projects. If you would like to support us, please feel free to send us an email:
Aujourd'hui, les masques que nous avions demandés ont été terminés. Djibson, un ami et professeur de l'école de Porokhane, vient de décrocher masks pour son école à Seydou Falls magasin. Seydou a un magasin de tissus à Dakar et est tailleur. Il était en Europe il y a quelques années et est revenu il y a 3 ans, avec beaucoup d'expérience dans ses bagages et quelques idées pour créer sa propre entreprise. Sama Chance est un client de Seydou et aujourd'hui, nous avons terminé notre premier travail avec lui. D'autres commandes suivront pour des projets plus importants. Si vous souhaitez nous soutenir, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel :


Dienstag, 22. September 2020

Sama Chance / Sensibilisation Covid-19

Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec la G.I.Z, l'association Sama chance a mené une enquête durant la période du 20 Juillet au 15 Août afin d'évaluer l'impact de la pandémie sur l'économie et recueillir l'opinion des migrants de retour sur leurs besoins d'adaptation pour une réintégration
A cet effet cette vidéo d'information et sensibilisation a été produite pour orienter les porteurs de projets sur les niches ou créneaux d'emplois nées avec La Covid-19 telles que : l’agriculture-l'elevage- la pêche, la transformation de produits céréalières ; l'économie numérique, l'aviculture, la pisciculture ou la micro entreprise avec fermes agricoles organisées autour dune chaîne de valeur économique.

 Click on the link below:

Sensibilisation Covid-19 

Freitag, 11. September 2020



Come and join our Association in Senegal 🇸🇳!!!



A new Video, more Infos, Photos about Workshops we already did...
A project with voluntary returners producing Masks for schools and the population who is in the need of....

Our first big project will be a “Welcome House” in Dakar for deported people and returners in general.... this can be a rolemodel for alot countrys who are in the need after terrible deportations...

Sama Chance will also support Migrants when they are back in their homecountrys, not just for the arrival and offering a place to eat and sleep also to show them
Possibilitys to join our networks, to accompany the first steps back into the life in the homecountry, reconnect after 3 and 6 months to see and support their ideas of maybe own business. We are thankful for any ideas, motivation, input also about criticism and for sure support...
Its a pilot project and we are very excited how it will work out in the future...

 Click on the link below

Sama Chance 

Dienstag, 11. August 2020

 I find it very important what Thiat said. Nothing more than that. You see what's been happening in Senegal these last few months. There are many deaths and not everyone gets an autopsy. Less tests capacity. Us Europeans/Germans know now to well how dangerous huge events can be ( Church, Funerals, Concerts etc. Many crowds, no distances, no masks. It about time that the government of Senegal finally takes real responsibility. What about many promises during the beginning of the pandemic? Not much happened. Many friends of mine have been trying to raise money, to get rice, oil, onions etc. with donations. What about water access? and what about the protection of children and students in schools and universities? Where are the masks and how should hygiene concepts be implemented? We will try to equip a few schools in Senegal with masks. It should be the part of the state to stand by its people in these terrible times and finally take responsibility. If the ailing health care system can't cope with it... It's a shame. Thanks Thiat !!!!!


 Click the Link below:

Revoilà Thiat « le fou »…Il provoque, l’Etat, Touba et Tivaouane 

Samstag, 25. Juli 2020

Sama Chance Association in Senegal Video Nr. 2

Mit Unterstützung der deutschen Zusammenarbeit durch die GIZ setzt der Verein Sama Chance seine Informations- und Sensibilisierungskampagne für die Bevölkerung fort. Mit diesem zweiten Video möchte Sama Chance das Bewusstsein für das Tragen einer Maske stärken. Ebenso geht es um  Kapazitätsaufbau im Zusammenhang mit der Maskenproduktion gemäß den ASN-Standards (Senegalese Agency for Standardization)

Avec le soutien de la coopération allemande par la GIZ,l'association Sama Chance poursuit sa campagne d'information et de sensibilisation de la population.A travers cette seconde vidéo Sama Chance vise à sensibiliser sur le port du masque,le changement de comportement et le renforcement de capacités lié à la production de masque selon les normes de L'A.S.N(Agence Sénégalaise de Normalisation)

Sama Chance 2. Video

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2020

Sama Chance Association in Senegal

 L'association Sama chance lance avec le soutien de la GIZ à travers le Programme migration et  développement sa première capsule de vidéo de sensibilisation sur le CORONAVIRUS. 
Le respect du port du masque  contribue à limiter la propagation du virus. Protégeons-nous et protégeons les autres!
#Restez En BonneSanté!

Click on the link :

Montag, 22. Juni 2020

"Somos Conciencia": #RegularizacionYa desde Alemania: Astra Schreiber

Merci María Chaqués Serrano for the wonderful work!! You did an amazing job. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to spread the word in this very important topic !!!
Thanks for your trust and believing !!!

💪🏿 Desde AfroLatidos os hacemos llegar un nuevo vídeo de la iniciativa 🎥 “Somos Conciencia” en apoyo a la campaña de #RegularizacionYa con nuestra querida hermana Astra Schreiber residente en Munich 🇩🇪(Alemania) que colabora con nuestro camarada 🇸🇳 Teuglife Internacional .

Esta comprometida activista por los derechos humanos durante más de 30 años, lleva actualmente trabajando 5 años en los campos refugiados alemanes. A través de diferentes acciones y protestas denuncia las formas inhumanas del proceso de asilo y concretamente las irregularidades que suceden en los ANKER centre, más especialmente en esta situación de crisis sanitaria con la complicidad del gobierno alemán. 👊🏿👊🏽👊

Además, junto a nuestro hermano Thiat activista y rapero senegalés que ha puesto su voz en la canción de “Somos” de esta iniciativa y junto a otros y otras compañeras senegaleses están actualmente creando la asociación 🇸🇳 “Sama Chance” (Mi oportunidad en wolof). Esta organización pretende apoyar a la población local de Senegal, especialmente a las personas migrantes retornadas.

Nuestros mejores deseos para este proyecto y seguimos tejiendo redes de colaboración mutua entre países por los derechos de las personas migrantes y refugiadas. Danke Astra por tu determinación! Nos sentimos afortunad@s por contar contigo. We are one! 🙌🏻🙌🙌🏿

Dienstag, 16. Juni 2020

#RegularizacionYa #BlackLivesMatter // Teuglife Internacional de Senegal 🇸🇳

💪🏿 Desde AfroLatidos os compartimos un nuevo vídeo 🎥de la iniciativa “Somos Conciencia” en apoyo a la campaña de #RegularizacionYa con un imbatible activista: nuestro querido hermano 👨🏾‍🦱Teuglife Internacional de Senegal 🇸🇳 residente en Munich 🇩🇪 (Alemania).

✊🏿✊✊🏾 Un “combattent” en toda regla que combina su faceta comprometida socialmente con la música, concretamente el rap. 🎤En este vídeo en varios idiomas (español, francés, alemán, italiano y wolof) nos invita a reflexionar la importancia de que todas las personas puedan acceder a sus derechos a través de la regularización así como la urgencia de que se cierren todos los campos de refugiados.

Queremos destacar su humanidad y gran 🖤 Jërëjef notre frère por todo tu apoyo! Nio far, estam@s junt@s! ✌🏾✌️✌🏿



The Nittu Deugg movement wishes to alert national and international opinion of the state of health of our comrade Abdou Karim Gueye dit Karim Xrum Xax. Indeed, for several days Karim has been in bed and his state of health is deteriorating day by day. Following these multiple operations undergone in the past months, Karim's health remains precarious and is out of step with the rigors of a prison stay. As a reminder, the Senegalese people, as a whole, supported Karim financially and morally in their bed rest. Despite the offers of political scavengers, the population paid in full the hospital bill of Abdou Karim Gueye who is their standard bearer. Thus, in the light of these events, efforts cannot and must not be reduced to nothing by an injustice which strikes our comrade. While deputies who have manipulated or counterfeited currencies are free, Karim, who has only asked for the opening of mosques, is put in the jails of a justice stripped of its pedestal of neutrality. In view of the above, we demand that the State of Senegal, which will be held responsible, take care of the comrade's health and release him unconditionally. All legal and health arrangements are being made for his release. Otherwise, the Senegalese people as a whole with all the living forces of the Nation will stand up and free their voice. The NDV movement therefore calls on the Senegalese population to go out on June 23 to demand his release.