I find it very important what Thiat said. Nothing more than that. You see what's been happening in Senegal these last few months. There are many deaths and not everyone gets an autopsy. Less tests capacity. Us Europeans/Germans know now to well how dangerous huge events can be ( Church, Funerals, Concerts etc. Many crowds, no distances, no masks. It about time that the government of Senegal finally takes real responsibility. What about many promises during the beginning of the pandemic? Not much happened. Many friends of mine have been trying to raise money, to get rice, oil, onions etc. with donations. What about water access? and what about the protection of children and students in schools and universities? Where are the masks and how should hygiene concepts be implemented? We will try to equip a few schools in Senegal with masks. It should be the part of the state to stand by its people in these terrible times and finally take responsibility. If the ailing health care system can't cope with it... It's a shame. Thanks Thiat !!!!!
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Revoilà Thiat « le fou »…Il provoque, l’Etat, Touba et Tivaouane