For so many years now I have been supporting refugees from allover Africa, most of them are Senegalese. Another project I am involved in is a school in Porokhane and Thies. My Work includes assistance for Senegalese refugees who want to return home, or who intend to come back to Europe with an official Work-Visa ( Ausbildungsvisum). My partner in these activities is Thiat, an Activist and Artist from Senegal, who lives in Dakar. (Member of the movement Y'en a Marre)
Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2019
Work is a human right - erste Vorstellung der Initiative im Bellevue di Monaco, unterstützt u.a. vom Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat:
Die Aktivistengruppe Work is a human right hat eine klare gesellschaftlichen Forderung: Jeder hat die Chance auf ein selbstbestimmtes Leben verdient. Informiert euch und werdet gemeinsam aktiv!
The new activist movement Work is a human right has a universal statement: everybody deserves the chance to live a self-determined life. Inform yourself and get active together!
Our Goals: Get working permits for individuals (independent from nationality, religion), raise awareness of the situation of people without work permits, change the situation for individuals and the political status quo, facilitate integration through the possibility of a work permission, create prospects for a career and by taking these steps: Give people a chance for a decent, self-determined and fulfilling life.
Gemeinsam mit politischen Aktivist*innen, Künstlergruppen und dem Bellevue di Monaco will die Gruppe auf die Situation von Menschen ohne Arbeitserlaubnis aufmerksam machen. Ziel ist unter anderem die Veränderung des politischen Status quo, um Perspektiven auf Arbeit, Integration und ein menschenwürdiges Leben zu ermöglichen.
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